Golf Canada Foundation’s mission is to inspire young players to build strong core values and character while living a healthy lifestyle.

To become the leading voice of golf philanthropy in Canada.

Established in 1979, Golf Canada Foundation’s mandate is to raise and grant funds for the advancement of golf in Canada. As a registered Canadian Amateur Athletic Association, the Foundation delivers this mandate by awarding scholarships to Canadian student golfers and distributing grants to support initiatives that fall into five key areas:
Junior Golf
Collegiate Golf
Women’s Golf
High Performance Golf
Golf Heritage
Funds are raised annually through major events and the Golf Canada Foundation Trustee Program along with other donation campaigns and initiatives. As a non-profit organization, the Foundation relies on donations as an essential source of revenue.
Board of Directors
Peter McCarthyPresident
Dennis KavelmanVice President
Liz HoffmanSecretary
Paul McLeanTreasurer
David AgnewPast President
Dan MatthewsDirector
Bruce SimmondsDirector
Barrington GreyDirector
Jean-Sébastien MontyDirector
Kevin SullivanDirector
Nigel HollidgeDirector
Jules Cowan-DewarDirector
Our Team
Martin BarnardCEO
Sean ReczulskiDirector, Development First Tee – Canada
Laura SawyerDirector, Events
Ben FavaCoordinator, Operations
Maddie LethbridgeCoordinator, First Tee Events
Jason HraynykDevelopment Manager, First Tee – Ontario
Steve HealyDevelopment Officer, First Tee – Atlantic
Ashley HowardDevelopment Officer, First Tee – Prairies
Kelsey ChadwickDevelopment Officer, First Tee – Alberta
Connie BrianManager, Database
Robin CampbellConsultant, Drive Campaign
Annual Reports
Charitable Registration Number
Golf Canada Foundation is a recognized Canadian Amateur Athletic Association by the Canada Revenue Agency.