A key part of the Foundation’s mandate is to raise funds in support of the advancement of golf in Canada. Since 1982, the Foundation has awarded more than $10.8 million to Canadian student athletes and institutions in support of post-secondary golf programs.

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Golf Canada Foundation encourages the athletic and academic careers of promising Canadian golfers and students of the industry by offering financial assistance through scholarships and awards.

The Golf Canada Foundation scholarship program is funded through generous donations from corporations, golf clubs, associations and individual friends of golf. Golf Canada, the Canadian Seniors’ Golf Association and the Scholarships and Grants Selection Committee play important roles in contributing to our scholarship fund each year. Golf Canada Foundation strives to build additional scholarship funds and grants to help Canadians use the great game of golf to achieve their potential.



  • 2024 Golf Canada Foundation Scholarship Information Package

    Please read the Scholarship Information & Criteria BEFORE filling out an application- it is important to understand which scholarship(s) you are eligible to apply to!

    2024 Golf Canada Foundation Scholarship Information

  • Application Dates & Deadlines

    2024 Scholarship Application Process Opens: May 1st

    2024 Golf Canada Foundation Scholarship Applications Due: June 14th

  • Required Documents

    Applicants will be asked to upload ALL of the following:

    • At least ONE letter of reference from any of the following: your golf club official, school teacher, coach, provincial golf association official or national golf association official
    • Personal letter outlining your academic and golf achievements, goals, and career objectives
    • Transcripts including academic records from your last TWO school years (this may require both high school and college/university transcript)
    • Any other information regarding your golf achievements, academic achievements, or extra-curricular activities that may help the committee evaluate your application

    *Please note that applications MUST have ALL required documents in order to be considered eligible for scholarships.

Eligibility Requirements


  • CSGA George S. Lyon Scholarship
    $5,000 (1 Available)

    For university or college students in Canada.

    • A minimum average of 70% in the last two years of high school/CÉGEP and have graduated (minimum Grade 12) or will graduate by June 2024; OR Successfully completed at least one full year in a post-secondary degree program and show a minimum average of 70% in EACH year of the program;
    • A successful experience in competitive golf at a regional, provincial or national level prior to application;
    • Have been accepted at a Golf Canada Foundation recognized college or university, and have been named, or will be named, to the institution’s golf team.
  • CSGA Graham Cooke Scholarship
    $5,000 (1 Available)

    For university or college students in Canada.

    • A minimum average of 70% in the last two years of high school/CÉGEP and have graduated (minimum Grade 12) or will graduate by June 2024; OR Successfully completed at least one full year in a post-secondary degree program and show a minimum average of 70% in EACH year of the program;
    • A successful experience in competitive golf at a regional, provincial or national level prior to application;
    • Have been accepted at a Golf Canada Foundation recognized college or university, and have been named, or will be named, to the institution’s golf team.
  • Connor/Spafford Scholarship
    $5,500 (2 Available)

    For university or college students in Canada or abroad.

    Preference for Canadian citizens born or residing in Atlantic Canada with overall preference for those born or residing in Nova Scotia.

    • A minimum average of 70% in the last two years of high school/CÉGEP and have graduated (minimum Grade 12) or will graduate by June 2024; OR Successfully completed at least one full year in a post-secondary degree program and achieved a minimum average of 70% in EACH year of the program;
    • Been accepted at a college or university, and have been named, or will be named, to the institution’s golf team. (NOTE: preference will be given to scholarship applicants who have been accepted to a college or university in Canada with a Golf Canada Foundation recognized golf program);
    • Successful experience in competitive golf at a regional, provincial or national level prior to application.
  • CSGA Jim Fraser Scholarship
    $5,000 (1 Available)

    For university or college students in Canada or abroad.

    • A minimum average of 70% in the last two years of high school/CÉGEP and have graduated (minimum Grade 12) or will graduate by June 2024; OR Successfully completed at least one full year in a post-secondary degree program and show a minimum average of 70% in EACH year of the program;
    • A successful experience in competitive golf at a regional, provincial or national level prior to application;
    • Demonstrates active involvement in volunteer activities
    • Have been accepted at a college or university in Canada or the United States, and have been named, or will be named, to the institution’s golf team.

    NOTE: Strong preference will be given to scholarship applicants who have been accepted to a college or university in Canada with a Golf Canada Foundation recognized golf program.

  • Marlene Streit Golf Scholarship
    $3,000 (2 Available)

    For female Canadian university or Canadian college students.

    • A minimum average of 70% in the last two years of high school/CÉGEP and have graduated (minimum Grade 12) or will graduate by June 2024; OR Successfully completed at least one full year in a post-secondary degree program and achieved a minimum average of 70% in EACH year of the program.
    • Successful experience in competitive golf at a regional, provincial or national level prior to application;
    • Have been accepted at a Golf Canada Foundation recognized college or university, and have been named or will be named to the institution’s golf team.
  • Mary Ellen Driscoll Scholarship
    $1,000 (1 Available)

    For female Canadian citizens born or residents of New Brunswick.

    For university or college students in Canada or abroad.

    • Graduated high school/CÉGEP (minimum Grade 12) or will graduate June 2024; OR Successfully completed at least one full year in a post-secondary degree program at a recognized educational institution;
    • Been accepted at a university or college and has been named or will be named to the institution’s golf team.
    • Successful experience in competitive golf at a regional, provincial or national level prior to application

    NOTE: preference will be given to scholarship applicants who have been accepted to a college or university in Canada with a recognized golf program

  • Robert Salsberg Scholarship
    $1,500 (1 Available)

    For students in, or entering, a university or college in Canada.

    We encourage you to apply for the Robert Salsberg Scholarship if you can show how your love of the game of golf and your enthusiastic participation in that game have resulted in materially improving your life or in dealing with a difficult life situation, and if you meet one of the two following additional qualifications:


    • You have achieved a minimum average of 75% in EACH of the last two years of high school or CÉGEP and have been accepted for full time enrolment into a degree program at a university or college in Canada for the upcoming academic year;
    • You have successfully completed at least one year of full-time enrolment in a degree program at a university or college in Canada with a minimum average of 75% in EACH completed year of the program.
  • Suzanne Beauregard Scholarship
    $2,000 (1 Available)

    Must be Canadian citizen born or resident in the territory governed by Golf Québec.

    For university, college or CÉGEP students in Canada or abroad.

    • A minimum average of 70% in the last two years of high school/CÉGEP and have graduated or will graduate by June 2024; OR Successfully completed at least one full year in a post-secondary degree program and achieved a minimum average of 70% in EACH year of the program;
    •  Are a full-time student at a university, college or CÉGEP
    • A successful experience in competitive golf at a regional, provincial or national level prior to application;
    • Are a member in good standing of Golf Québec;
    • Regular participation in community and/or extracurricular activities

    NOTE: preference will be given to scholarship applicants who have been accepted to a college or university in Canada with a recognized golf program.

  • William Kucey Scholarship
    $2,000 (1 Available)

    Applicants must be enrolled at one of the following universities: McMaster University, Queen’s University, or University of Toronto.

    • Achieved a minimum average of 80% in the last two years of high school or CÉGEP and have graduated or  will graduate by June 2024; OR Successfully completed at least one full year in a post-secondary degree program and achieved a minimum average of 80% in the LAST COMPLETED full-year of the program;
    • Have experienced success in competitive golf at a regional, provincial, or national level prior to the time of application and/or have been or will be named to the institution’s golf team;
    • Canadian citizenship or Landed Immigrant status
  • The CWSGA Centennial Scholarship
    $4,000 (one available)

    For female student athletes attending Canadian universities, colleges, or CEGEPS. Preference for applicants born or residents in Ontario, Québec, and New Brunswick. 

    • Achieved minimum average of 75% in the last two years of high school/CÉGEP and have graduated (minimum Grade 12) or will graduate by June 2024; OR Successfully completed at least one full year in a post-secondary degree program and show a minimum average of 75% in EACH year of the program;
    • Have successful experience in competitive golf at a regional, provincial or national level prior to application.
    • Have been accepted at a Golf Canada Foundation recognized college or university, and have been named, or will be named, to the institution’s golf team.
  • Jonathan Jang-Sune Kwon Scholarship
    $2,500 (one available)

    For university or college students in Canada or abroad.

    • A minimum average of 75% in the last two years
      of high school/CÉGEP and have graduated (minimum Grade 12) or will graduate by June 2024; OR Successfully completed at least one full year in a post-secondary degree program and show a minimum average of 75% in EACH year of the program.
    • A successful experience in competitive golf at a
      regional, provincial or national level prior to application.
    • Have been accepted at a Golf Canada Foundation recognized college or university, and have been named, or will be named, to the institution’s golf team.



    Connor/Spafford Scholarship | $5,500

    Mark Chandler (NS)

    Olivia Seaman (NS)


    CSGA Jim Fraser Scholarship | $5,000

    Mia Sung (ON) 


    CSGA George S. Lyon Scholarship | $5,000

    Kalee Seto (AB) 


    CSGA Graham Cooke Scholarship | $5,000

    Kaitlyn Ellis (ON) 


    CWSGA Centennial Scholarship | $3,000

    Addison McClune (NB) 


    Marlene Streit Golf Scholarship | $3,000

    Sienna Harder (BC)

    Dana Smith (BC)


    Jonathan Jang-Sune Kwon Scholarship | $2,500

    Zostrianos Giordani-Gross (MB)


    Suzanne Beauregard Scholarship | $2,000

    Thomas Lemay (QC)


    William Kucey Scholarship | $2,000

    Nicolas Dessureault (ON) 


    Robert Salsberg Scholarship | $1,500

    Conor Gaudet (ON) 



    Connor/Spafford Scholarship | $5,500

    Mark Chandler (NS)

    Isaac MacNaughton (NS)


    CSGA Jim Fraser Scholarship | $5,000

    Brady Wood (NB) 


    CSGA George S. Lyon Scholarship | $5,000

    Mya Rowan (AB) 


    CSGA Graham Cooke Scholarship | $5,000

    Ela Jones (ON) 


    CWSGA Centennial Scholarship | $3,000

    Stéphanie Roy (NB) 


    Marlene Streit Golf Scholarship | $3,000

    Isabella Ferguson (ON)

    Chloe Tran (BC)


    Suzanne Beauregard Scholarship | $2,000

    Elizabeth Labbé (QC)


    William Kucey Scholarship | $2,000

    Luke MacPherson (ON) 


    Robert Salsberg Scholarship | $1,500

    Symone Ripley (SK) 


    Mary Ellen Driscoll Scholarship | $1,000

    Mackenzie Deveau (NB)


    Connor/Spafford Scholarship | $7,500

    Mark Chandler (NS)

    Isaac MacNaughton (NS)


    CSGA Jim Fraser Scholarship | $5,000

    Ashley Noh (ON)


    CSGA George S. Lyon Scholarship | $5,000

    Kelly Wong (ON)


    CSGA Graham Cooke Scholarship | $5,000

    Ryan Stolys (BC)


    CWSGA Centennial Scholarship | $3,000

    Jacqueline Giles (ON)


    Marlene Streit Golf Scholarship | $3,000

    Stéphanie Roy (NB)

    Miriam Braiter (ON)


    Suzanne Beauregard Scholarship | $2,000

    Morgan Best (QC)


    William Kucey Scholarship | $2,000

    John Stewart (ON)


    Robert Salsberg Scholarship | $1,500

    Tommy Sluka (AB)


    Mary Ellen Driscoll Scholarship | $1,000

    Mackenzie Deveau (NB)


    Mapleview Scholarship | $1,000

    Emily Li (BC)


    Connor/Spafford Scholarship | $7,500

    Heather McLean (NS)

    Jake Smith (NS)


    CSGA Jim Fraser Scholarship | $5,000

    Ethan Efford (NL)


    CSGA George S. Lyon Scholarship | $5,000

    Jacqueline Giles (ON)


    CSGA Graham Cooke Scholarship | $5,000

    Kellie Weisse (FL)


    Marlene Streit Golf Scholarship | $3,000

    Avery Mack (ON)

    Rachel Demaine (ON)


    Suzanne Beauregard Scholarship | $2,000

    Emily Romancew (QC)

    Elizabeth Labbé (QC)


    William Kucey Scholarship | $2,000

    Adele Chun (ON)


    Robert Salsberg Scholarship | $1,500

    Tayler Kurucz (AB)


    Mary Ellen Driscoll Scholarship | $1,000

    Mackenzie Deveau (NB)



    Connor/Spafford Scholarship | $7,500

    Heather McLean (NS)

    Benjamin Callaghan (NS)


    Canadian Seniors’ Golf Association Scholarship | $5,000

    John Paul Kahlert (BC)

    Ryan Stolys (BC)


    Geordie Hilton Academic Scholarship | $5,000

    Isiah Katsube (ON)


    Jim Fraser Scholarship | $5,000

    Emily Li (BC)


    Marlene Streit Golf Scholarship | $3,000

    Sonja Tang  (BC)

    Laura DeMarco (ON)


    Suzanne Beauregard Scholarship | $2,000

    Alexandre Mercier (QC)


    William Kucey Scholarship | $2,000

    Grant Lau (ON)


    Robert Salsberg Scholarship | $1,500

    Samantha Copeland (BC)


    Mapleview Golf Scholarship | $1,000

    Chloe Wilson (ON)


    Connor/Spafford Scholarship | $7,500

    Heather McLean (NS)

    Calvin Ross (NB)


    ClubLink Scholarship | $5,000

    Michael Crisologo (BC)

    Jakob Chicoyne (AB)


    Geordie Hilton Academic Scholarship | $5,000

    Allison Chandler (NS)


    Canadian Seniors’ Golf Association Scholarship | $3,000

    Laurent Desmarchais (QC)

    Jacob Armstrong (MB)


    Marlene Streit Golf Scholarship | $3,000

    Sara Cumby (NS)

    Laura Wesselius (NB)


    Suzanne Beauregard Scholarship | $2,000

    Brandon Rattray (QC)


    William Kucey Scholarship | $2,000

    Kellie Weisse (FL)


    Mary Ellen Driscoll Scholarship | $1,000

    Mackenzie Scott (NB)


    Robert Salsberg Scholarship | $1,500

    Andrew Reid (NS)


    Connor/Spafford Scholarship | $7,500

    Heather McLean (NS)

    Evan Callaghan (NS)


    ClubLink Scholarship | $5,000

    Avril Li (BC)

    Sarah Dunning (ON)


    Geordie Hilton Academic Scholarship | $5,000

    Andrew Harrison (AB)


    GolfTEC Scholarship | $5,000

    Calvin Ross (NB)

    Charles-Éric Bélanger (QC)


    Canadian Seniors’ Golf Association Scholarship | $3,000

    Louis-Alexandre Colgan (QC)

    Quinn Fitzgerald (AB)


    John Powell Memorial Scholarship | $3,000

    Laura Jones (NB)


    Marlene Streit Golf Scholarship | $3,000

    Kelly Hellman (BC)


    Suzanne Beauregard Scholarship | $2,000

    Laurent Desmarchais (QC)


    William Kucey Scholarship | $2,000

    Matthew Puzhitsky (ON)


    Mary Ellen Driscoll Scholarship | $1,000

    Laura Wesselius (NB)


    Robert Salsberg Scholarship | $1,500

    Brynn Todd (MB)


    Connor/Spafford | $7,500

    Meghan McLean

    Allison Chandler


    Geordie Hilton | $5,000

    Shaun Margeson


    ClubLink | $5,000

    Laura Jones

    Claire Konning


    Golftec | $5,000

    Ellice Hong

    Kade Johnson


    John Powell | $3,000

    Ziggy Nathu


    CSGA | $3,000

    Christian Zalli
    Andrew Harrison


    Marlene Streit | $3,000

    Winnie Hyun

    Laura Wesselius


    Suzanne Beauregard | $2,000

    Vincent Giroux

    Katherine Gravel-Coursol


    William Kucey | $2,000

    Michael Reaume


    Robert Salsberg | $1,500

    Tyler Nagano

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Golf Canada Foundation proudly supports student golfers at Canadian post-secondary academic institutions. Since 1982, the Foundation has awarded more than $7.35 million in grants to Canadian collegiate golf programs. The Foundation is pleased continue to award grants in support of University and College Golf Athletics programs on an annual basis, to foster growth and improvement throughout the Canadian collegiate golf system.

In an effort to increase overall fundraising and long-term sustainability for collegiate golf in Canada, the Golf Canada Foundation Grant program has transitioned into a fund matching process. All Canadian colleges and universities who choose to sign up for Golf Canada Foundation grants will have to show, on a budget approved by the athletic director of the institution, external funds raised (or brought in) by the golf program that have NOT been supplied by the school. Only external funds are eligible to be matched by Golf Canada Foundation Grant monies.



In order to be eligible for a grant from the Golf Canada Foundation, golf programs must include the following elements:

  • Both men’s and women’s golf teams, or the (immediate) intention to build up both;
  • Dedicated golf coach, full or part-time;
  • Competitive schedule with other Canadian and/or US schools: regionally- inter-provincially- internationally;
  • Intention to participate, if the school qualifies, in the Golf Canada Canadian University/College Golf Championship.



    Total Distribution: $50,000

    Bishop’s University
    Carleton University
    Cégep André-Laurendeau
    Cégep Champlain St-Lawrence
    Durham College
    Fanshawe College
    Georgian College
    Humber College
    McMaster University
    Medicine Hat College
    Ontario Tech University
    Portage College
    Queen’s University
    Toronto Metropolitan University
    Trent University
    Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
    Université Laval
    University of Alberta
    University of British Columbia – Okanagan
    University of Guelph
    University of Manitoba
    University of Montreal
    University of New Brunswick
    University of Ottawa
    University of Toronto
    University of Victoria
    University of Waterloo
    Western University
    Wilfrid Laurier University


    Total Distribution: $50,000

    Bishop’s University
    Brock University
    Cégep André-Laurendeau
    Durham College
    Fanshawe College
    Georgian College
    Humber College
    L’Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
    McMaster University
    Medicine Hat College
    Ontario Tech University
    Portage College
    Queen’s University
    Simon Fraser University
    Trent University
    Université Laval
    University of British Columbia – Okanagan
    University of Guelph
    University of Lethbridge
    University of New Brunswick
    University of the Fraser Valley
    University of Toronto
    University of Victoria
    University of Waterloo
    University of Windsor
    Western University
    Wilfrid Laurier University


    Total Distribution: $50,000

    Bishop’s University
    Brock University
    Carleton University
    Cégep André-Laurendeau
    Cégep Champlain St. Lawrence
    Fanshawe College
    Humber College
    L’Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
    McMaster University
    Medicine Hat College
    Ontario Tech University
    Queen’s University
    Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
    Université de Montréal
    University of Alberta
    University of British Columbia
    University of British Columbia Okanagan
    University of Lethbridge
    University of Manitoba
    University of Ottawa
    University of the Fraser Valley
    University of Toronto
    University of Victoria
    University of Waterloo
    University of Windsor
    Wilfrid Laurier University


    Due to COVID-19, the Canadian collegiate competitive golf season was put on hold. In response to the uncertainty of the golf season nationwide, Golf Canada Foundation and its collegiate grant selection committee did not award collegiate grants to post-secondary institutions in 2020.


    Total Distribution: $60,000

     Bishop’s University

    Brock University
    Carleton University
    Cégep André-Laurendeau
    Cégep Champlain St. Lawrence
    Fanshawe College
    Georgian College
    Humber College
    MacEwan University
    McGill University
    McMaster University
    Medicine Hat College
    Queen’s University
    Simon Fraser University
    Université Laval
    Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
    University of British Columbia
    University of Calgary
    University of British Columbia – Okanagan
    University of the Fraser Valley
    University of Guelph
    University of Lethbridge
    University of Manitoba
    University of Ontario Institute of Technology
    University of Toronto
    University of Victoria
    University of Waterloo
    University of Windsor
    Western University
    Wilfrid Laurier University


    We are pleased to report that our contribution increased this year thanks to the fundraising efforts of the Canadian Seniors’ Golf Association. A total of $59,993 in grant matching funds were disbursed to 33 Golf Canada Foundation recognized schools who have met all matching grant application requirements.

    Bishop’s University
    Brock University
    Carleton University
    Cégep André-Laurendeau
    Cégep Champlain-St. Lawrence
    Fanshawe College
    Georgian College*
    Humber College
    MacEwan University
    McGill University
    McMaster University
    Medicine Hat College
    Queen’s University
    Red Deer College
    Ryerson University*
    Simon Fraser University
    Trent University
    Université de Montréal
    Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
    University of British Columbia
    University of British Columbia – Okanagan
    University of Guelph
    University of Laval
    University of Lethbridge
    University of Manitoba
    University of Ontario Institute of Technology
    University of the Fraser Valley
    University of Toronto
    University of Victoria
    University of Waterloo
    University of Windsor
    Western University
    Wilfrid Laurier University

    *Ryerson University and Georgian College were granted $965 as they did not meet the women’s team requirement.


    Grants totaling $50,000 will be distributed to golf programs at the following 40 institutions:

    Brock University
    Carleton University
    Cégep André-Laurendeau
    Cégep Champlain St. Lawrence
    Concordia University
    Douglas College
    Fanshawe College
    Georgian College
    Holland College
    Humber College
    Laurentian University
    Laval University
    MacEwan University
    McGill University
    McMaster University
    Medicine Hat College
    Queen’s University
    Red Deer College
    Simon Fraser University
    Trent University
    Université de Montréal
    Université du Québec à Trois-Riviere
    University of Alberta
    University of British Columbia
    University of British Columbia Okanagan
    University of Calgary
    University of Fraser Valley
    University of Guelph
    University of Lethbridge
    University of Manitoba
    University of New Brunswick
    University of Ontario Institute of Technology
    University of Ottawa
    University of Toronto
    University of Victoria
    University of Waterloo
    University of Windsor
    Western University
    Wilfrid Laurier University


We thank all applicants for their interest in the Golf Canada Foundation Collegiate Scholarships & Grants programs.

For further information please contact  or 905-849-9700 ex 266.