Golf Canada and the Golf Canada Foundation are excited to continue our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (“DEI”) opportunity within our grants portfolio. This opportunity aims to provide grants to Canadian community organizations or initiatives that are growing the game of golf by targeting underrepresented communities to advance outcomes in Junior Golf, Women’s Golf, Collegiate Golf, High-Performance, and Golf Heritage to further our primary goal to “change the face of golf to better reflect the Canadian population, with a focus on PLAY – grow the game by getting more people from diverse populations participating in golf in Canada.” The quantity and amount of individual grants is subject to monetary resources available to Golf Canada and the Golf Canada Foundation in pursuit of its organizational goals.

Application Guidelines
2024 Granting Cycle
- March 4th – Applications Open
- April 4th – Applications Close
- Week of April 8th – D&I Alliance to review
- Week of April 22nd – Final selections review
- Week of April 29th – Final Decisions
- Week of May 6th – Selections Notified
Who We Fund
- A registered charity or not for profit
- A registered municipality
- Indigenous-led organization or Indigenous-serving organization, Indigenous community, or Band
- Organizations/initiatives performing services to grow the game
What We Fund
- Project Proposals that align with one of the five (5) areas of impact: Junior Golf, Collegiate Golf, Women’s Golf, High Performance Golf and Golf Heritage and serve underrepresented populations in our sport to help achieve success against our primary objective.
- Underrepresented populations include, but not limited to, Black, Asian, and other racialized communities in Canada, Indigenous peoples, women, members of the LGBTQ2IA+ community, newcomers/refugees, and persons with disabilities.
- Please consider additional funding opportunities through our existing women’s initiatives grant
- Underrepresented populations include, but not limited to, Black, Asian, and other racialized communities in Canada, Indigenous peoples, women, members of the LGBTQ2IA+ community, newcomers/refugees, and persons with disabilities.
- Pilot or existing initiatives
- Proposals for projects whose primary constituents face barriers into the sport
- A maximum of $2,500, not to exceed 20% of the total project budget (which shall exclude administrative overhead and salaries)
- Program training and capacity development
- Research and evaluation costs
- Project Proposals that align with one of the five (5) areas of impact: Junior Golf, Collegiate Golf, Women’s Golf, High Performance Golf and Golf Heritage and serve underrepresented populations in our sport to help achieve success against our primary objective.
What We Do Not Fund
- Organizations looking for assistance with endowments or capital campaigns
- For-profit Organizations
- Sports teams (both professional and amateur) requesting sponsorship support
- Individuals
- Organizations based outside of Canada, or programs and projects based outside of Canada
- Projects that do not have a golf as a central component
- Projects that support any political party, politically affiliated group, or have active religious components as part of the programming activities
- Organizations that are exclusive /support activity against other groups or organizations/supremacy groups, etc.
Community Impact
Community impact is our driving goal by funding initiatives that strive to engage underrepresented populations to join the game of golf. This can be measured in a variety of ways including:
- The number of people who will benefit; how they will benefit
- The impact ripple effect on the community
- Opportunity for sustainability (participating in subsequent years)
Granting Guidelines Document
Budget Template
Application & Evaluation Process Instructions
Step 1: Once you confirm your organization is eligible, follow the prompts to register
Step 2: Read the Grant Guidelines to help in completing your application. It has valuable information about how applications are evaluated.
Step 3: Once the call for applications has closed, the Diversity & Inclusion Alliance of Golf Canada will evaluate all applications and communicate the results.
Note: All successful applicants will be required to complete a post-initiative/year end program report
How We Measure Success
Golf Canada Foundation’s commitment in reviewing grant proposals is set by 5 key guiding principals:
Confidentiality – Proposal information will remain private on a need-to-know basis
Fairness – All applicants will be scored fairly through a standardized review process.
Excellence – Quality and impact is our fund’s mission and commit to upholding rigorous structure.
Efficiency – Proposals will be evaluated swiftly to ensure funds are disbursed in timely matter.
Transparency – Proposal decisions will be made on clearly defined guidelines.